FrontPage Extensions
What are the Microsoft FrontPage Extensions? What are they intended for?
FrontPage Extensions are system files which need to be available on a web server for certain features of websites designed with Microsoft FrontPage to function properly. In case these files aren't on your server, your Internet sites will still function, but with restricted functionality and they will probably display errors every so often. In addition, in case your web hosting provider has FrontPage Extensions on their servers, you will be able to publish your content straight from the program, eliminating the need to employ any third-party FTP client so as to upload files. All that you have to do is to enter you website hosting account FTP information in the FrontPage settings and the software will do the rest. Future updates can be done in exactly the same way, which makes FrontPage a fantastic selection for people with little or no experience.
FrontPage Extensions in Cloud Web Hosting
We support FrontPage Extensions with each
cloud web hosting package that we offer and unlike numerous hosting service providers these days, we will not discontinue this particularfeature, so it will be up to you if you will start and maintain your worldwide web presence employing FrontPage or some other website design software. After all, in case you are moving your current site to our servers, it is likely that you've spent time, money and efforts and we wouldn't want that to be in vain. You can enable FrontPage Extensions independently for each and every domain name or subdomain through the Hepsia Control Panel, so it won't be a problem to have the main website built with FrontPage and employ some script application in a subdomain for a discussion board, for example - the two won't interfere in any way. If you decide that you wish to switch to another platform, you'll be able to deactivate FrontPage Extensions with just a couple of clicks.
FrontPage Extensions in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you have a
semi-dedicated server plan through us, you can use FrontPage to create your site, as FrontPage Extensions are installed on the cloud platform where your web hosting account will be created. Activating and disabling the feature is done with several clicks and per domain or subdomain from the Hepsia Control Panel which you will get to control the account, which means that you're able to easily have a FrontPage main site and a blog or a community forum script inside a subdomain without problems. Our system will add all system files necessary for such a site automatically inside the selected folder. A lot of website hosting companies nowadays stop the support for FrontPage Extensions, yet we choose to leave this option to you, instead of forcing you to switch the website design software that you use and throw away all the funds and efforts that you have invested through the years to create and maintain your website.